ptfe open mesh conveyor belt,teflon conveyor belt,ptfe belting,ptfe dryer belt


Our commitment at Smartflon is focused on finding specific solutions for each application. We recognise that choosing the best materials can ensure the longest possible belt life. We provide a variety of 0pen mesh PTFE glass fabrics for conveyor belt designs, to meet individual customers' specific needs. We also offer a range of reinforcements, splices, and guiding systems for precise customisation.


Our commitment at Smartflon is focused on finding specific solutions for each application. We recognise that choosing the best materials can ensure the longest possible belt life. We provide a variety of 0pen mesh PTFE glass fabrics for conveyor belt designs, to meet individual customers' specific needs. We also offer a range of reinforcements, splices, and guiding systems for precise customisation.

Open-mesh PTFE glass fabric


teflon open mesh coated glass fabric/ teflon open mesh glass fabric
Reference Opening meshes (mm) Width available (mm) Length on request Weigth per m² (g)
TGOP1x1 1x1 Up to 3150   580
TGOP2x2 2x2 3250   470
TGOP4x4 4x4 5000   460
TGOP 6x6 3350   550

Open-mesh BLACK PTFE antistatic glass fabric

Continuous operating temperature ranging from -150°C à +260°C

Reference Opening meshes (mm) Width available (mm) Length on request Weigth per m² (g)
TGOPA4x4 4x4 Up to 3350   460

* For other mesh openings, please consult us.

Different reinforcement edges

Notre engagement, se concentre sur la recherche de solutions spécifiques à chaque application. Nous sommes conscients que le choix des meilleurs matériaux peut garantir une durée de vie maximale pour la conception des bandes transporteuses. Nous mettons à disposition une gamme de tissus de verre en mailles enduits de PTFE (Téflon®), pour la conception de vos bandes de convoyage. Nous proposons également un éventail varié de renforts, de jonctions et de systèmes de guidage personnalisé pour chaque client, en fonction de leurs exigences spécifiques.

PTFE Film Reinforcement

PTFE Coated Glass Fabric Reinforcement

PTFE Coated Aramid (Kevlar®) Fabric Reinforcement

Mechanical and permanent joints

Alligator connection

Clipper connection

Mechanical connection with protective flap

Bullnose joint

Peek spiral joint

Castelated joint

Welded joints

 Overlap joint

Butt joint

Finger joint

2- Ply connection with staggered splice

Scarfed joint also called Flat grinding joint


Guiding systems

Metal studs or rivets 

Metal buttons

Metal Eyelets

PTFE (Téflon®) knobs

Silicon profil

Aramid (Kevlar®) profil